Axom State Collective
A collective of 14 exceptional civil society organizations across the state of Assam.
working towards increasing adolescents participation across Assam
In India, adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19, account for nearly one quarter of the total population. In this changed world, the critical need of the hour is to relook at the adult-child relationship and with it therefore, the role of the teacher, the parent, and the policy maker. This can only be done if adolescents are capacitated to be participants in civic and governance spaces where they feel entitled as active citizens in the country. This process will also systematically help build capacities of the adolescent networks to sustain the initiative of collectivisation and informal modes of participation.
We as a Axom Collective intent to support large number of collective spaces and adolescent centric organisations that support experiences of young people in the real world and develop and present a robust model of Collectivising and co-creating Adolescent Empowering Spaces. Through this endeavour, we also aim to amplify and collectivise the work of numerous youth in a way that informs and enhances the adolescent and youth development field to take this process to scale with soul. To ensure that the collectives are long- lasting and versatile, soft skills needs to be imparted to support the ecosystem to ensure that it remains dynamic and learning-oriented across the fast changing nature of our times.
To make this possible, capacity building of hubs/collectives will be at the following levels:
Leadership competencies to become change leaders
Working with adolescents to increase participation in governance
Programming to lead effective campaigns with adolescents
Maintaining and managing collaborative initiatives.