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COVID19 Rapid
Response & Support

As the lockdown on COVID19 pandemic was announced in March, 2020. There was a wave of fear, dilusion and dilema across various sections of the society. Worst hit, if not by the virus than by loss of livelihood. Millions of NorthEast Indians were left with no choices to hope that the deadly virus donot hit their families or hoping everything turns normal soon. We immediately got ourselves trained on the aspects of COVDI19 pandemic-how a pandemic evolves, its impact on general masses, risk facotrs, staying safe etc. We pulled our socks, got ourself equiped with information and knowledge as things started unfolding more on the virus and started supporting our community in the best possible way we can.

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Digital Education

Almost immediately as the pandemic was hit. We converted all our work base into digital learning centers to fill the gap school was trying to give via digital schools. We hold online digital classes for 4days a week through out.

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Medical Supplies Relief

We figured out that the remote villages and PHC and sub-centers have requirements on oxymeters, thermometers and masks. We drove across length and breath of Cachar District, Assam to provide medial kits specific to COVID19 in PHC and sub-centers.

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Young Warrior Movement

We mobilised 100s of volunteers from across Assam to carry forward relief and support to the victims of covid19 pandemic. Our volunteers worked to create safe vaccination centers, support people getting vaccinated and also raise awareness on COVID19 protocols issued by the local adminstration.

Food Grain Relief

Pandemic and lockdown has severely hit livelihood of people. We with our humble network did our initial food availability survey in our sites and immediately started food grain relief drive and supported more than 1000 families with dry ration for more than a month.


Kameshwar COVID Warrior who risked his life in the front-line while working to keep 100s of people from his community safe .


                 other projects you would like to work with us and for yourself

If you have idea of any social action project that you would like to work on send us an email at we can help you with various resource to make it a reality.

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